Tuesday, February 2, 2016


DATE: Monday, February 1, 2016

TIME: 12:30 PM

WEATHER CONDITIONS: At the time of observation, it was approximately 68˚F outside. There was a 0% chance of precipitation throughout the day, and the sky was cloudy and grey. There were 29.69 in. of atmospheric pressure. The average humidity was 86%. The wind speed at the exact time of observation was 3.2 mph.  

CHANGES: There are few changes in the appearance of the tree. It still remains barren and lifeless.


1. Animal vs. Plant Cell Cycles
  • Animal: becomes rounded before cell division, multiple hormones begin the cell division process (a specific hormone is not known), centrosome is a key step, mitotic apparatus contains asters, cytokinesis occurs through cleavage, a small space is formed between two daughter cells
  • Plant: cell will not change shape prior to division, one specific hormone called cytokinin begins the cell division process, centrosome does not occur, mitotic apparatus does not contain asters, cytokinesis occurs through the formation of a cell plate, a solid middle lamella develops in between two daughter cells for permanent adhesion
  • Similarities: DNA is replicated during interphase, chromosomes formed in both during prophase, spindle fibers pull chromosomes apart during anaphase

 2. Plant Cloning
  • A clone is a cell or organism that is genetically identical to another cell or organism
  • Some purposes for cloning plants include: recreating a healthy, disease resistant plant, recreating a specific flower color, and exploring what occurs within a plant cell when certain proteins are altered
  • Some methods for cloning plants include: cutting, which involves cutting off a branch from the parent plant, removing its lower leaves, and planting the stem in a damp compost. Plant hormones are used to stimulate the growth of the new plant. 
  • http://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KNCDAVID9&scrollTo=historyTable#history/s20160201/e20160201/mdaily
  • http://www.majordifferences.com/2013/08/difference-between-animal-cell-mitosis.html#.VrDTLBgrLR0
  • http://bsp.med.harvard.edu/node/17
  • http://www.unc.edu/depts/our/hhmi/hhmi-ft_learning_modules/proteinsmodule/cloning/importance.html
  • https://sites.google.com/site/plantcloningbio/home/what-is-the-purpose-of-plant-cloning
  • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/science/edexcel_pre_2011/genes/reproductionandcloningrev3.shtml

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